Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sept 18th:Day 30

The day began with a strange encounter. So, Lorraine takes Vinster out for his morning constitutional and she's stopped by this half a cop bylaw enforcement guy who informs her that THERE IS A TOTAL DOG BAN IN DOWNTOWN NELSON!?? 
Artist's rendering.

Apparently there was an attack 15 years ago and the"hippies" used to leave their dogs unattended to shit everywhere so they banned dogs completely on the two main streets. As you can imagine, this totally harshed our mellow but we put Vin in the car and went for coffee and breakfast. Our first priority was coffee at Oso Negro. Turns out it's outside of the dog ban area so the place was a mob scene of happy dogs and their happy, cool, mellow owners. Best coffee since leaving Toronto. We were back in love with Nelson. Breakfast was at The Full Circle cafe. I had been looking forward to their crab cakes with soft poached eggs and chipotle aioli/holandaise(?) sauce for the whole trip and they didn't disappoint. Lorraine had some kind of tofu scramble. I pitied her.
After that we bought some books, took Vin down to the lake for a ramble, had lunch at the Preserved Seed and bailed outta town headed for the Okanagan valley. 
Another scenic drive that flirts several times with the US border.
The landscape turns brown and scrubby as you come into the southern end of the valley.
The road cuts back forth down from the hills and there are stunning views of the vineyards, orchards and the town of Osoyoos around the lake.
Unfortunately, Osoyoos only looks good from a distance. 
It's like a backwater Florida beach town only without the culture.
The bad weather didn't help.
The jolly seniors that seemed to be everywhere were having a great time.
Passable greek fast food takeout for dinner.

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